Do you have muscle tightness and knots in your neck, shoulders or back?

These knots are a sign that your body is experiencing stress, which can be physical, emotional or in most cases a combination of both. This muscle tightness that you’re experiencing is probably causing you physical stress that you might not even be aware of, sapping your energy and putting you in a bad mood. Our massage Indianapolis provides relief from a variety of conditions.

Here at Compass Chiropractic we offer massage therapy to relieve your physical and emotional stress.

What types of massage do you offer?

We provide a variety of massage therapy techniques depending on the specific needs of the patient including Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports, Prenatal, and Trigger Point techniques,cupping,PNF Stretching.

Are your massage therapist licensed?

All of the massage therapist working at Compass have undergone massage training through an accredited massage school and are licensed to practice massage in Indiana. They are required to maintain their license and complete continuing education courses in order to be licensed.

Does insurance cover massage?

Most insurance companies, including auto insurance cover massage therapy. We will contact your insurance company and determine if you have massage therapy coverage prior to your appointment.  In order for massage to be covered by insurance it has to be considered medically necessary.  Your Chiropractor will meet with you and perform an examination to determine if massage is medically necessary.

Massage can help with

  • Neck and Back pain
  • Headaches
  • Shoulder pain
  • Stress/Anxiety
  • Repetitive Stress Injuries
  • Insomnia

Meet Our Therapists

Paula Olin, LMT

Massage Therapist

Teresa Romo, LMT

Massage Therapist

Neysa Elbon massage therapist

Neysa Elbon, LMT

Massage Therapist

I’ve never had a massage before. What can I expect?

We will do everything to make sure that you feel comfortable before, during and after your massage. Massages are 50 minutes in length and focus on your area of complaint. Your Chiropractor will provide information about your condition to you massage therapist. Your experience should be enjoyable, if your therapist is putting too much pressure or too little, please inform them and they will be happy to vary their level of pressure.

Can massage be part of my Chiropractic treatment?

If you Chiropractor determines that massage is medically necessary he/she will make the recommendation and give the massage therapist access to the findings associated with your condition to the massage therapist so they are aware of what type of massage therapy will be best for your condition. Typically patients will either have their massage before or after their massage depending on the schedule.

Do I have to undress for a massage?

We can provide massage therapy over clothing or over skin, depending on your level of comfort. Your therapist will discuss the options with you prior to your massage.